shutterstock_132512708_for-webCigarette smoke contains over 7,000 chemicals, 69 of which are known to cause cancer.[1] Smoking is responsible for 90% of lung cancer deaths and 80-90% of deaths from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) (e.g., emphysema, chronic bronchitis).[2] In fact, approximately 480,000 deaths are attributed to cigarette smoking each year.[3]

The good news is that smoking cessation has immediate health benefits. Within 20 minutes, your blood pressure will be lower; within 12 hours, your blood oxygen levels will have increased to normal; within 48 hours, your sense of smell and taste will begin to return; within 72 hours, your entire body will test 100% nicotine-free and over 90% of all nicotine metabolites will have been eliminated by your body; and within two weeks to three months, your heart attack risk will have dropped and your lung function will have improved.[4]

The financial benefits of smoking cessation are large and tangible. At $5-$14 per pack,[5] stopping smoking can save you several thousand dollars per year.

Hypnosis has proven to be a highly effective way to stop smoking. A meta-analysis of over 600 studies, involving almost 72,000 Americans and Europeans who were using various methods to quit smoking, found that hypnosis was “three times as effective as nicotine replacement methods and 15 times as effective as trying to quit alone.”[6]

Additional resources can be found here: – American Cancer Society – Centers for Disease Control and Prevention – National Cancer Institute – National Institutes of Health – US National Library of Medicine

Many of my smoking cessation clients show up to their first session saying that they’ve “tried everything.” Hypnosis will help move you from “try” to “success.” Completely natural—with no drugs, no cravings, and no withdrawal—smoking cessation with hypnosis works.

Read how some of my other clients have felt about my smoking cessation services here.

Call (301) 365-2428 for a free consultation to discuss becoming a non-smoker.

[1] US Department of Health and Human Services. How Tobacco Smoke Causes Disease: The Biology and Behavioral Basis for Smoking-Attributable Disease: A Report of the Surgeon General, 2010.

[2] Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. “Smoking-Attributable Mortality, Years of Potential Life Lost, and Productivity Losses – United States, 2000-2004.” Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, November 14, 2008; 57(45):1226-1298.

[3]Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website. Accessed 05/15/2019:

[4] Data taken directly from the “Stop Smoking Recovery Timetable,” Accessed 12/02/2014:

[5] Mahapatra, Lisa. “The Price of Cigarettes: How Much Does A Pack Cost In Each US State?” [MAP], International Business Times, December 2, 2014. Accessed 12/02/2014:

[6] Viswesvaran, C. and Schmidt, FL. “A meta-analytic comparison of the effectiveness of smoking cessation methods.” Journal of Applied Psychology, August 1992; 77(4):554-561. The abstract can be accessed at: