Hypnosis is a powerful tool for creating change in your life.

shutterstock_187810721It is a normal brainwave pattern that you slip in and out of every day, and yet, you can harness this state of focused awareness to create positive, lasting change. If you’ve ever become lost in thought while driving, watching television, or watching flames flicker in a fireplace, you have been in the state of hypnosis. By inducing this natural state of mind through hypnosis, we bypass the rational, conscious mind to access the much more powerful subconscious mind—the seat of your beliefs, feelings, and emotions. Your mind becomes open to releasing old, limiting beliefs, and becomes focused on realizing the power of new thoughts, feelings, behaviors, and habits. All that is required from you is a desire to achieve the positive change, and a willingness to relax and allow this hypnotic state to be accessed.


“Patients treated with hypnosis experienced substantial benefits for many different medical conditions..."

- James H. Stewart, MD, Department of Internal Medicine and Division of Cardiovascular Diseases, Mayo Clinic


With support from the National Institutes of Health, the Mayo Clinic conducted a review of over 100 clinical studies involving hypnosis. This analysis found hypnosis to be effective in: reducing or eliminating allergic responses; relieving pain; eliminating warts and other dermatologic conditions; decreasing or eliminating symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome; decreasing or eliminating peptic ulcers; recovering more quickly from surgery; decreasing hypertension; reducing the number and intensity of headaches; reducing or eliminating pain associated with childbirth; reducing pain and nausea associated with chemotherapy; improving symptoms of tinnitus; reducing or eliminating asthma symptoms; becoming a non-smoker; improving symptoms of fibromyalgia; decreasing pain, anxiety, nausea, and recovery time associated with surgery; improving sexual function (e.g., eliminating symptoms of impotence); and improving or eliminating urinary incontinence. As the study’s author, James H. Stewart, MD states, “Despite substantial variation in techniques among the numerous reports, patients treated with hypnosis experienced substantial benefits for many different medical conditions. An expanded role for hypnosis and a larger study of techniques appear to be indicated.” - Stewart, James H. , MD, Department of Internal Medicine and Division of Cardiovascular Diseases, Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Jacksonville, FL. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, April 2005; 80(4): 511-524.


What positive changes would you like to make in your life?

Whatever the issue, I look forward to being your guide on this journey of self-healing. Call (301) 365-2428 now for a free, confidential consultation or to schedule your appointment.

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