Car accident? Mugging? Even a broken bone or other major injury? We’ve all had some sort of trauma—big or small—in our lives. I’ve not only been in several car accidents, but I worked in Kenya and Uganda for several months in 1996—a time when elections were being held in Uganda. During that time, I heard gunfire regularly and I had cocked guns held to my temples on two separate occasions. By the end of my stay in Uganda, I felt like I had become nonchalant about guns and gunfire. Little did I know how much I had bottled up my stress until I returned home to the United States and was visiting my mom in my childhood home, in a safe suburban neighborhood. A car backfired; and after shrieking in terror, locking my car doors, and rolling up my car windows, I promptly burst into tears. Wow. That took me by surprise.
I have since used multiple hypnotic tools and techniques, plus Integral Eye Movement Therapy (IEMT)—which is specially designed for trauma release—to help myself heal from those incidents. Peace, calm, groundedness, and a feeling of safety are all possible again—no matter what you’ve experienced.
Read how some of my other clients have felt about my trauma release services, including IEMT, here.
Call 301-365-2428 for a free consultation about releasing trauma.