According to the National Institute of Mental Health, 6.3 million Americans have a diagnosed phobia.[1]
Have you ever felt the fear of flying on an airplane? The fear of public speaking? The fear of being enclosed in an elevator? What about the fear of a spider, snake, or another animal? There is no need to let those fears dictate how you live your life.
Hypnosis works very well with fears, accessing the underlying cause, or initial sensitizing event; and eliminating the conditioned fear response. A meta-analysis of the literature found that “clients who had received cognitive-behavioral treatment with hypnosis showed a 70% greater improvement than clients who had received cognitive-behavioral treatment without hypnosis.”[2]
In my hypnosis practice, I have helped clients overcome the fears listed above, and so many others: fear of birthing, fear of driving on highways, fear of driving over bridges, fear of stepping on an escalator, fear of cephalopods, fear of having a ceiling collapse on you while sleeping, and many more.
Read what some of my other clients have to say about my fear release services here and here.
Call (301) 365-2428 to discuss how to set yourself free from your fears.
[1] National Institute of Mental Health. Information accessed 07/08/2014 by StatisticBrain. “Fear/Phobia Statistics.” Page accessed 12/03/2014:
[2] Kirsch, I., Montgomery, G. & Sapperstein, G. “Hypnosis as an adjunct to cognitive behavioral psychotherapy: A meta analysis.” Journal of Counseling and Clinical Psychology, 2005; 63:214-220. Referenced in “EMDR and Hypnosis in the Treatment of Phobias” by Shirley A. McNeal, American Journal of Clinical Hypnosis, January/April 2001; 43:3/43:4. Accessed online 12/03/2014: